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About us

Congress organizers

Dr. Chieh-Hsiang WU, Associate Professor of Department of Art, National Changhua University of Education​

Dr. Han-Chung WU , Cheng Siu University Conservation Center

Ren-Feng KE, Executive Director of Taipei Art Economy Research Centre


Dr. Wenmei YIU, Secretary General of Taiwan Art Gallery Association



Jack WU, Attorney of Meridian Attorneys-at-Law

Dr. Wei-Tun CHANG, Professor of Department of Forensic Science, Central Policy University


Yuan Feng CHANG, Director of the Research Center for Conservation of Cultural Relics at National Taiwan Normal University

Yun-Fong LIN, fine art restorer

Fine Art History

Chiang-Sung KUO, Adjunct Professor of Fine Arts Program, National Taiwan University of Arts

National Museum/Gallery

Wei-ni WANG, Assistant Director of Yuyuyang Museum

Ping LIN, Director of Taipei Fine Art Museum

Gallery Industry

Huan-Hsien LIU, Founder of East Gallery

Claudia CHEN, General Manager of Liang Gallery

York HSIAO, Founder of Capital Art Center

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Copyright @ 2016 by Taipei Art Economy Research Centre

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